430. Tell my children about Sept. 11th and don’t forget.
I’ve already told Parker, who was 6 at the time, about the heinous acts of the terrorists on September 11th. Emma is too young right now but she will be told in good time. The second part of this ‘to do’ is to never forget. So I’d like to take this space today, on September 11th, to remember with prayer those who lost their lives on that day. I’d also like to thank those who GAVE their lives to save others on that day including those on that Pennsylvania flight who took down the plane and reminded those abroad what Americans were made of.
Although today is a day to remember it is also a day to steel ourselves with resolve against future threats.
We shall never forget.
We shall never forget.
We shall never forget.
Let us always be prepared, so that we may always be free.
--- Ronald Reagan
As a way remembering, do you remember where you were on Sept. 11th 2001?
I was working in Memphis, TN and watched as the second plane hit the towers in the conference room of Syncor International. I had worked the midnight shift and was about to get off of work at 8am when the secretary received a phone call that caused us to tune in. I was thinking it was just a pilot error like the one that hit the Empire State Building in the 40s until I saw the second plane hit. I remember being worried because I was supposed to spend the night in Memphis that night and I was worried the Memphis bridge might be next on the list of terrorist targets.
Say what you will about George Bush but I respect his response and the fact that we haven't had another episode like that.
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