Miss America?
Yes, she is.
Last March in this blog, I railed against many of the things I was disgusted with about this
country. I even titled one entry: “Miss
I was so fed up with the liberal media controlling our thoughts and wishes, and so fed up with it working, that I was ready to move to another country if Hilary was elected.
Well, after last night, I have to apologize. I had given up. Or almost given up. I had lost the faith. I had even thought momentarily of not voting. Something I used to proselytize to others about the civic duties of voting. I used to channel Robert Heinlen from Starship Troopers about the ‘rights’ of citizenship.
But alas, all it took was a woman to make things right. After watching the speeches last night on TV at the Republican National Convention, I swelled with pride at John McCain’s stories of torture and imprisonment, and I finally found a woman with an idealogical point of view that I would be proud to vote for.
I was a member of the Straight Talk Express for a short while back in 2000 and I still receive emails from the campaign. But to tell the truth, I had lost interest in him because he wasn’t conservative enough for me.
The full story of his capture and torture last night made me pause and throw my support behind him just because of his character.
Just a blog to fulfill my monthly duties and let you McCain-Palin supporters know … I’m BACK!
P.S. Doesn't Sarah Palin look like Sabine Ehrenfeld, the Overstock.com spokesmodel?
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