George Oscar Bluth II, 3rd level Illusionist/2nd level Bard/35th level thief

Hit Dice: 2d8 (hp unlimited)
Initiative: Always first if on Segway, otherwise +2
Saves: Fort +7 , Ref -2, Will (why yes his name is Will) +9
Strength: 12
Intelligence: Debatable
Wisdom: Full of it (I don't perform tricks Michael, tricks are what whores do for money...sometimes cocaine.)
Constituion: 26 (had two fingers chopped off and replaced and knifed in prison)
Dexterity: 28 (only when Final Countdown is playing-otherwise 2)
Charisma: 30
Climate/Terrain: Warm Oceanside
Attacks/Damage: 3 card attacks/round (can throw multiple knives also) /1-2 dmg
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Treasure: Whatever he steals from Michael. (see Aztec Tomb)

George Oscar Bluth (known as G.O.B. has the ability to cause headaches at random.
He can also escape detection/location when in the presence of the Aztec Tomb.
He lies constantly and uses his unusually large Charisma to escape blame.
Very attractive women also seem to fall for his antics.
He can also cause large watercraft to disappear when his spellsong "Final Countdown" is playing.

The only other songs he knows are:
"Everything I do, I do it for you"
and "Ebony and Ivory" though he must have his Franklin focus in order to perform these.
He can also cause confusion and nausea and vomiting if he hums "Hot Cops" and dances.

Gob: It ain't easy being white.
Franklin: It ain't easy being brown.
Gob: All this pressure to be bright.
Franklin: I got children all over town!
Gob: Sometime ... (spoken) hey, where'd the guy go?
Current whereabouts unknown: After the idiots at Fox cancelled the greatest show of all time, (I've made a huge mistake) GOB hasn't been seen since. We miss you GOB Bluth...we miss you.

Hey, nice blog!!! Pretty damn funny npc.
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