1000 Things to Do Before I Die
Slap the cookie dough out of someone

(The blog “Wanderlust and other lesser Geasan” has been moved to this location from now on. )
My Bucket List
I recently completed my ‘Bucket List’ of 1000 things to do before I die. Since that day, I’ve been working on living my life to the fullest. Even planning events way into the future so that I can go out with a feeling of accomplishment. This forum just became my way of recording the events on my list of things to do for posterity.
This blog shall serve as a Hemingway-esque recall of opportunities that allow me to fulfill my own personal geas (to slightly paraphrase Terence Trent D’Arby).
This blog, like my corporeal body, is designed to wander. As my earthly self wanders the globe in search of that which I have not seen before, this blog will wander through the thoughts that are generated by said globetrotting. I hope to show others parts of the world through the written word that they may never see as well as shed alternative light on those places that millions see but never through another’s eyes.
My hopes are that this record of date will serve as a glimpse into the life of a father, and someday, grandfather so that my children and my children’s children will have insight into the thoughts and dreams of their ancestors.
As past travels are harder to recall and require more from me in the way of fact checking and dredging up of memories, I shall begin where most do not, at the present.
Today I completed #843 on the list.
843. Win a slap bet
For those not familiar with the ‘slap bet’, I was introduced to this genius concept of conflict resolution while watching “How I Met Your Mother.”
It was during an episode where Barney issues a slap bet to Marshall over whether or not Robin is a porn star. Probably my favorite TV episode since Arrested Development went off the air. Here is the official “Bill of Slaps”.
1. A slap bet is created when two parties involved in a disagreement, argument, or difference of opinion mutually agree that whichever party is proven right (or winning party) gets to slap whichever party is proven wrong (or losing party) across the face as hard as they possibly can.
2. In all Slap Bets, a Slap Bet Commissioner must be appointed. In the event of a discrepancy, the Slap Bet Commissioner makes the final ruling. The Slap Bet Commissioner must be someone fair and unbiased, someone kind hearted but not afraid to rule with an iron wrist.
3. When issuing a slap, the slapper must avoid lips and noses at all costs. The goal is for the palm of the slapper's hand to connect with the meaty part of the slappee's cheek thus providing utmost enjoyment and pain. If you're seeing handprint on cheek, you're doing something right. In the event of a bloody nose, the Slap Bet Commissioner shall award the slappee three slaps to be used in succession. Suggestion: The Dead Man's slap (rule 8.)
4. When issuing a slap, the slapper must not wear any rings, gloves, or other finger/hand ornaments to protect the safety of the slappee.
5. When issuing a slap, the slapper must keep one foot on the ground at all times to protect the safety of the slappee.
6. In the event of Premature Slapulation, (when the slapper slaps the slappee as hard as he or she possibly can and then afterwards, finds out that the slap was not warranted), the slappee gets to slap the slapper at least three times.
7. The Blind Man Slap: If the Slap Bet Commissioner deems the slappee particularly deserving, the Slap Bet Commissioner can issue The Blind Man Slap in which the slappee must close their eyes while being slapped.
8. The Dead Man Slap: Backhanded slaps are permitted only if used in succession. For example, if the Slap Bet Commissioner awards the slapper multiple slaps, the slapper can use a backhand if and only if it's preceded by a forehand. This is commonly referred to as The Dead Man Slap and is the only existing slap that allows the slapper to connect with both sides of the slappee's face thereby earning maximum slappage.
9. When the slappee gets slapped, he/she must accept the fact that they've just got slapped. Any retaliation against the slapper, by the slappee, will result in no less than ten slaps (with a set number to be delivered by the Slap Bet Commissioner.)
10. The most important rule: Enjoy! Few things in this world match the sheer joy one receives from slapping a friend right across the face. Especially after being proven right. So slap away!
Yesterday at lunch, a slap bet was issued by myself to Miles over whether or not the song “Jenny, 867-5309” was responsible for all phone numbers on TV and movies to start beginning with the made up “555” prefix. I argued that it wasn’t, and correctly, according to Wikipedia.
The phone companies started encouraging the producers of television shows and movies to use the 555 prefix for fictional telephone numbers, roughly during the 1970s. One of the earliest uses of a 555 number can be seen in Panic in Year Zero! (1962), with 555-2106. In older television shows from the 1950s or 1960s, "KLondike 5" or "KLamath 5" was used, as at the time the telephone exchanges used letters and numbers in phone numbers. More contemporary works set in this period typically use this convention as well. For example, Dr. Emmett Brown's 1955 phone number in Back to the Future is "Klondike 54385".
So it looks like I owe you a slap Miles. And thus, I will complete #843 of 1000.
Current count: 301 of 1000.