Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Not even close to a trillion pounds. Well, maybe close.

The first 100 days…

sets the tone for the whole term (or in my case, the whole year).

We are well into the new year and we’ve finally settled in to 2009 life.

The nation has elected it’s first black president (I didn’t vote for him) and the Steelers

have won their unprecedented sixth Superbowl title.

Obama has shocked the world by spending over a trillion dollars in his first 22 days in office. I have to say, I saw it coming. Hello Depression.

I guess I should be happy, for as a Pharmacist I should be making money hand over fist when everyone starts getting on antidepressants. Oh wait, we’re going to nationalize healthcare and I won’t make a cent.

How much is a trillion dollars? Can we even fathom that?

Well, if you were to make a job being paid 1 dollar per second, at 40 hours a week and 52 weeks per year it would still take you over 31,000 years to make a trillion dollars.

Now let’s look at it from a different angle.

Let’s say it’s the year 1, the beginning of the first millennium. You have a trillion dollars to spend–at the rate of one million dollars a day. At just before three years, you’ve reached a billion dollars. So you keep spending. Now you are in the year 2,000. Would you believe you’d still have 737 years to go before you exhaust your trillion dollar pile.

If you have $1M in the form of a stack of $1000 bills, it reaches about 4.3 inches high.

How high is a stack of $1000 bills enough to make up a TRILLION dollars?

Over 66 MILES high.

One trillion dollars would stretch nearly from the earth to the sun. It would take a military jet flying at the speed of sound, reeling out a roll of dollar bills behind it, 14 years before it reeled out one trillion dollar bills.

Basically if any of these numbnuts in Congress stopped to think about the rate at which they’re burning my money, they’d think twice about asking me for more in the form of taxes. So, in an effort to do my part to stimulate the economy, I’ve decided to work on my list extra hard this year. I’ve pulled out 67 items that I hope to accomplish this year and if I do, I’ll reach the halfway mark to completing my 1000 things to do before I die.

After all, working on my list is all I have left.

22. Michigan
52. Canada
121. Read the Bible cover to cover
141. Go to a Steelers game at Heinz field.
142. Cook a meal good enough to be my last.
146. Visit the Kentucky Derby..and bet on it.(1st Sat in May)
155. Take part in a marathon or half marathon. (try to finish)
179. Get the Fishpaw Hats together for a concert
180. Record a song with the Fishpaw Hats
181. Write a song
222. Write a will
232. Protest something.
233. Trace my family tree
239. See every 'Best Picture' movie
241. Write a letter to the editor
245. Write a fan letter
274. Do 100 push ups in a row
287. Make a fire without matches/lighter
301. Write a letter of thanks for good customer service/product
315. Be a mentor
341. Learn Japanese
349. Learn to play snooker
357. Learn the rules of Craps
367. Join a public service club or organization
371. See all 250 movies from IMDB's list of greatest movies
387. Go to church more than just Sunday morning.
399. Flip the bird at some government official.
405. Plan my own funeral.
431. Send out Christmas cards.
432. Start a family tradition
433. Order the most expensive thing on the menu
439. Learn the sign language alphabet
442. Visit the Rock and roll hall of fame
443. Visit the Football Hall of Fame
445. Buy a Fedora and wear it regularly
450. Pay for someone behind you in a drive thru
484. Eat fried chicken in Kentucky
485. Develop my own hot sauce
498. Ride one of the worlds fastest and tallest rollercoasters
499. Take my kids to Sandusky Ohio
519. Memorize the periodic table.
525. Blog at least once a month for a year
598. Write my wife a love letter every Valentine's day (Feb.14)
613. Learn how to receive a gift
621. Make my own milkshake
638. Get the Midnight Train action figure made
741. Finish a Sunday newspaper crossword puzzle without cheating
746. Run a mile after age 30
751. Watch all the Jackie Chan movies
772. Leave a good book on a bench/bus for someone else to find
801. Eat an entire box of cereal in one day
803. Call a radio talk show on air
844. Memorize friends and family's birthdays
849. Go to the horseraces
866. See Gettysburg
878. Read all of the Lord of the Rings trilogy
895. Learn and be able to identify constellations
898. Read famous historical speeches
918. See Hershey PA
932. Sit under a tree and just relax
956. Raise money for a charity.
960. Learn 80% of the world's capitols
972. Make a book of my famous RPG characters
973. String popcorn for the Christmas tree with my kids.
974. Own 1000 books.
977. Tithe regularly
982. Learn morse code or semiphore but not both


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