Monday, June 09, 2008

How Sunshine, Kobolds, and Transvestites will change your life.

a.k.a. #915 Complete a 7-day Positive Mental Diet (Positive only for 7 days)

True Joy of Life

This is the true joy of life.

The being used for a purpose

Recognized by yourself as a mighty one.

The being a force of nature

Instead of a feverish, selfish

Little clod of ailments and grievances

Complaining that the world will not

Devote itself to making you happy.

I am of the opinion that my life

Belongs to the whole


And as long as I live,

It is my privilege to do for it

Whatever I can.

I want to be thoroughly

Used up when I die,

For the harder I work the more I live.

I rejoice in life for its own sake.

Life is no brief candle to me.

It is a sort of splendid torch

Which I've got hold of

For the moment

And I want to make it burn

As brightly as possible before

Handling it on to future generations.

George Bernard Shaw

This poem sums up the reasoning behind the

List and, at the same time, segues into this month’s Blog subject. #915 Complete a 7-day positive mental diet.

I saw this challenge on someone’s blog site once and, in the rush to fill in my 1000 things to do before I die, I threw it on the list. The idea is simple. Just be a positive person only for 1 week. Easy, right? Wrong. I challenged all of my friends to be positive with me starting June 1 (Also completing #914 Mark off list day) and it took all of 24 hours for me to fail. When I got to work on Monday, I of course fell back into my cynical ways. Not to be daunted, I admitted my failure at lunch and began again. Only to last 48 hours. By T

hursday at noon, I had failed three times. I set off again with a renewed song in my heart and sunshine blowing out my a$$. So far, 5 days into my week, I’m still positive. And that’s even more of an accomplishment because today is my birthday!

I have a lot to be happy about today. I’ll be dining with the family tonight and plotting a session of Kobolds ate my Baby!

What more could a guy ask for? Because this experience of the positive diet has been so eye opening, I challenge each of you out there to do so as well.

P.S. This entry into my blog completes my June requirement for #525 also.

P.S.S. I went to see Eddie Izzard and was a little disappointed. I’ll continue to listen to his stuff but he needs to keep doing what he does best and stop being political. He can't even vote after all.


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