Common Sense
Could I have an order please? Make it a double. Political correctness has no place in America anymore. We gave it a chance, and it kept taking. Take for instance Sonic. A great little piece of Americana drive-in food. I like Sonic. But when they go as far as putting handicapped parking spaces at Sonic they've gone too far. And my ATM. I was just there the other day and noticed they have to put braille on the ATM machine! Is this so blind drivers can bank too?
And why do I have to sit through a soliloquy in Spanish when I call just about ANY business?
Isn't this America? Should I be offended there isn't a Cherokee language selection?
And speaking of useless language, here's my voicemail message word for word:
"You have 3 unheard messages. The following 3 messages, have not been heard. First unheard message, sent today at 3 pm."
Am I just SO anxious to get messages that it bothers me I have to sit through this? I KNOW they are unheard messages. That's why I'm listening.
Thomas Paine said, "These are the times that try men's souls.Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph." Exchange tyranny with stupidity and it's like he lived today. He spoke out against ridiculousness and was almost executed for it.
Thanks Tom.

Could I have an order please? Make it a double. Political correctness has no place in America anymore. We gave it a chance, and it kept taking. Take for instance Sonic. A great little piece of Americana drive-in food. I like Sonic. But when they go as far as putting handicapped parking spaces at Sonic they've gone too far. And my ATM. I was just there the other day and noticed they have to put braille on the ATM machine! Is this so blind drivers can bank too?
And why do I have to sit through a soliloquy in Spanish when I call just about ANY business?
Isn't this America? Should I be offended there isn't a Cherokee language selection?
And speaking of useless language, here's my voicemail message word for word:
"You have 3 unheard messages. The following 3 messages, have not been heard. First unheard message, sent today at 3 pm."
Am I just SO anxious to get messages that it bothers me I have to sit through this? I KNOW they are unheard messages. That's why I'm listening.
Thomas Paine said, "These are the times that try men's souls.Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph." Exchange tyranny with stupidity and it's like he lived today. He spoke out against ridiculousness and was almost executed for it.
Thanks Tom.
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