Not just the jolly black guy on What's Happening, and not just the eerily looking Linus-type character on Peanuts. The rerun on TV is dead.
TiVo and BitTorrents have virtually ended any chance of me ever watching a rerun on TV.
Our 'watch it when we want to' attitude has killed anyone catching a missed episode of Scrubs on a rerun but instead, we download whole seasons and watch them back to back.
Just last night, my wife and I are so addicted to Scrubs we watched about 7 episodes of season 4 while our TiVo captured Gilmore Girls and House.

And I used to be a DVD addict. I own more than 300 VHS movies and over that many D

Another rerun in the vein of ex-presidents (see last post)
is Grover Cleveland.
He is the only president to serve two non-consecutive terms. Some other tidbits you may not know about him. His first name is Stephen. (I know, why would you want people to think you were named after a muppet if you could be Steve (Shuper Shteve!)) He carried out at least two hangings of convicted criminals. He avoided the draft in 1863 by paying someone to take his place. He fathered an illegitimate child named Folsom Cleveland. And, if you haven't figured this out by the above, was a Democrat.
Was discovered to have cancer of the mouth and secretly had it removed on a boat which required the removal of his upper left jaw and portions of his hard palate. The best joke he ever told? His wife woke him up once (he was one of 2 Presidents married while in the White House, and the only one married in the White House) in the middle of the night, she said "Wake up Grover, I think there's a burglar in the house." He responded, "No, no. Perhaps in the Senate, but not in the House."
His Vice Presidents were Thomas A. Hendricks, who died shortly after taking office, leaving the Vice-Presidency unfilled for 4 years; and Adlai Stevenson. Thomas Hendricks is the only VP to appear on US currency without also being President. The ten dollar silver certificate.
Cleveland, Ohio is NOT named after the President. Grover, however, was presumably named after the president. Did you know Grover doesn't speak in contractions?

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