What does this mean?

Answer at the bottom.
It finally happened. I've seen countless sitcoms and musicals, and eventually, in all t.v. series that last more than two seasons, there's always a musical episode. The episode where everyone breaks out in song for no reason.
I saw it's effects most recently on Scrubs.
I like these episodes. The Buffy the Vampire Slayer musical was noteworthy. It provides a nice break a few seasons into the show where you think the characters can't do anything else to surprise you.
Well, it happened at work today. I was typing at my desk and along came Thomas, one of the employees at the next door/but co-owned durable medical equipment building. He was whistling. Not just any song...Patience by Guns N Roses. Now, I didn't immediately recognize the tune, nor did he whistle the whole song. But as soon as he passed by, I started whistling the song. By this time, we'd reached the chorus and I broke into song. Completely oblivious to what I was doing. Before I knew it two other people had joined in the chorus.
Now at this point, you'd think we'd have stopped and shared a laugh and talked about how ridiculous that was.
But we didn't .
We sang almost the whole next verse before the majority of the people didn't know anymore.
But now I now how those episodes happen.
And I think everything, two seasons in, should do the same.
Like your Senators. Who doesn't want to see Nancy Pelosi break into a few lines of Judas Priest's "Breakin' the Law, Breakin' the Law!"
All we need is just a little patience....
And btw...the pictogram at the top can be Guns and Roses OR Axl Rose!

Answer at the bottom.
It finally happened. I've seen countless sitcoms and musicals, and eventually, in all t.v. series that last more than two seasons, there's always a musical episode. The episode where everyone breaks out in song for no reason.
I saw it's effects most recently on Scrubs.

I like these episodes. The Buffy the Vampire Slayer musical was noteworthy. It provides a nice break a few seasons into the show where you think the characters can't do anything else to surprise you.
Well, it happened at work today. I was typing at my desk and along came Thomas, one of the employees at the next door/but co-owned durable medical equipment building. He was whistling. Not just any song...Patience by Guns N Roses. Now, I didn't immediately recognize the tune, nor did he whistle the whole song. But as soon as he passed by, I started whistling the song. By this time, we'd reached the chorus and I broke into song. Completely oblivious to what I was doing. Before I knew it two other people had joined in the chorus.
Now at this point, you'd think we'd have stopped and shared a laugh and talked about how ridiculous that was.
But we didn't .
We sang almost the whole next verse before the majority of the people didn't know anymore.
But now I now how those episodes happen.
And I think everything, two seasons in, should do the same.
Like your Senators. Who doesn't want to see Nancy Pelosi break into a few lines of Judas Priest's "Breakin' the Law, Breakin' the Law!"

And btw...the pictogram at the top can be Guns and Roses OR Axl Rose!
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