An Open Letter to All Those Americans Intending on Voting
In a recent Pew Research Center poll released last week, Americans trust John McCain’s “good judgement in a crisis” over Obama’s by 51 to 36 percent.
Perhaps Americans are better judges of character than I thought.
Here is a quick list of reasons Obama can’t be trusted.
He changed his positions on:
Iraq War
Withdraw the troops immediately from Iraq
Withdraw them in 2009
Withdraw them when advisors say it’s safe.
Would consistently oppose NAFTA
Wouldn’t unilaterally oppose NAFTA
“Didn’t mean his promise to renegotiate the treaty of NAFTA”
“Would support a filibuster of any bill that includes retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies” in regards to FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act)
Supported the FISA compromise granting the companies amnesty.
Campaign Finance Reform
“Dedicated to saving public financing of presidential campaigns.”
“The public financing of presidential elections is broken.”
Gun Control
"Obama has always expressed a belief that the Second Amendment guarantees a private right to bear arms."
"Obama believes the D.C. handgun ban is constitutional."
Mr. Obama supported a ban on handguns in 1996
In 1998, he backed a ban on the sale of all semiautomatic guns (a ban that would encompass the vast majority of guns sold in the U.S.)
He served on the board of the Joyce Foundation, probably the largest private funder of anti-gun and pro-ban groups and research in the country.
Mr. Obama's recent comments to Rick Warren, pastor of the evangelical Saddleback Church, showed he opposed nominating those members of the Supreme Court who voted that the Second Amendment is an individual right.
Obama feels minors should not be required to get parental consent or notify their parents.
“Depends on how young — possibly for extremely young teens, i.e., 12- or 13-year-olds.”
“I would oppose any legislation that does not include a bypass provision for minors who have been victims of, or have reason to fear, physical or sexual abuse,”
“As a parent, Obama believes that young women, if they become pregnant, should talk to their parents before considering an abortion. But he realizes not all girls can turn to their mother or father in times of trouble, and in those instances, we should want these girls to seek the advice of trusted adults — an aunt, a grandmother, a pastor,”
Death Penalty
Obama does not support capital punishment according to a presidential campaign questionnaire.
A fact sheet provided by his campaign flatly denies Obama ever held those views, asserting he “consistently supported the death penalty for certain crimes but backed a moratorium until problems were fixed.”
As an Illinois senator, he led an effort to reform the death penalty laws.
Gay Marriage
“The issue should be left up to each state.”
He supports extending "fully equal rights and benefits to same-sex couples under both state and federal law."
“I oppose same-sex marriage but each state should make it’s own decision.”
Social Security Taxes
The cap will be raised to $250,000/year.
The cap will stay at $102,000/yr
The cap will be lowered to $97,500/yr
Negotiating with Rogue Nations
He would meet with Iran with no preconditions.
I would not meet with Iran without preconditions
And how about his judgment on friends and advisors?
Rev. Jeremiah Wright (Obvious racist and pastor of Obama’s church)
Father Michael Pfleger (Believer in the words of Louis Farakan)
William Ayers (Known unrepentant terrorist)
Tony Rezko (Illinois political fix it man convicted of bribery and responsible for buying Obama’s house for him)
How about his penchant for blaming his employees for everything?
(taken from John R. Lott Jr. web site
-- Among the better known examples, an aide, Austan Goolsbee, told Canadians that Obama didn’t mean his promise made right before the crucial Ohio primary that he would renegotiate NAFTA. Obama disavowed Goolsbee’s claim and said that he had misstated Obama’s position, and Goolsbee denied claims by the Canadians.
-- A 1996 candidate questionnaire form that was answered stating that Obama supported a ban on handguns was explained as a staffer’s mistake. A statement to the Chicago Tribune last fall claiming that Obama supported the DC gun ban was dismissed as a staffer’s mistake.
-- In a 2004 questionnaire, Obama refrained from criticizing Yasir Arafat or strongly supporting Israel’s security force. As ABC noted: “Mr. Obama blamed a staff member for the oversight.”
-- Obama was asked this year about funding he got for the University of Chicago while his wife, Michelle, worked there. He claimed that someone on his staff had handled it because neither he nor his wife would have allowed his office to benefit his wife’s work.
-- When the Tony Rezko corruption questions emerged, Obama claimed that he had never done anything to advance Rezko’s business interests. Then a letter Obama signed was discovered supporting a Rezko project to city and state housing officials. Obama said that he wasn’t aware of the letter and he said that staff had mishandled it. When answers to questions about how much money Rezko had raised for Obama campaigns proved to be much too low, the mistake was again blamed on staff.
-- When Sarah Palin’s vice presidential nomination was announced, Obama’s campaign immediately issued a statement that reporters described as "ripping” into her. A few hours later, after the initial public reaction, Obama first supported and then backed away from the statement, saying that his campaign had misrepresented his views.
-- Tim Russert confronted Obama at a Democratic Presidential debate in January about Obama’s campaign claiming that the Clintons were “stoking racial tensions.” Yet again, Obama blamed his "overzealous” staff.
The list goes on, but these cases seem to leave only two options: Either Obama is dishonest and these mistakes were not really mistakes, or he is a very poor judge of people.
Since Obama points to his campaign as proof that he has more executive experience than Palin, these problems also raise questions about how efficiently he runs things. If his own staff keeps on making mistakes in misrepresenting what Obama believes, can Obama clearly tell staff what policies he wants them to implement if he becomes president.
How about his ability to exercise executive power?
In August, ads ran on TV discussing Obama’s relationship to Ayers. His campaign DEMANDED that the Department of Justice investigate the group behind the ads. Really? The Dept. of Justice? If he’s willing to do this over a political ad, think of how he’ll use his power in the white house.
This information, no matter who you plan to vote for, should be eye opening.
I won’t tell you who to vote for, but I beg you to NOT vote for Obama.