In the beginning...there was jive.

Jiveman #2: Hey Holm, I can dig it! You know he ain't gonna lay no mo' big rap upon you man!
Jiveman #1: I say hey sky, s'other say I won say I pray to J I get the same ol' same ol.
Jiveman #2: Knock yourself a pro slick. Gray matter back got perform' us' down I take TCBin, man'.
Jiveman #1: You know wha' they say: See a broad to get that bodiac lay'er down an' smack 'em yack 'em.
Together: Col' got to be! Yo!
Then there were Sniglets.
Some examples:
Accordionated (ah kor' de on ay tid) - adj. Being able to drive and refold a road map at the same time.
Aeroma (ayr oh' ma) - n. The odor emanating from an exercise room after an aerobics workout.
Aeropalmics (ayr o palm' iks) - n. The study of wind resistance conducted by holding a cupped hand out the car window.
Agonosis (ah uh no' sis) - n. The syndrome of tuning into "Wide World of Sports" every Saturday just to watch the skier rack himself.
Airdirt (ayr' dirt) - n. A hanging plant that's been ignored for three weeks or more.
Then there was Ebonics.

Nuff' said.
Now it's called an "Urban dictionary".
No joke. You can find it here.
I thought only 'ethnic' people were allowed to use these words without looking stupid, but apparently, now it applies to any word not found in the dictionary and used by people. I learned a lot when I met my wife. She introduced me to words such as:
feening | | ||||
To contain a strong desire for something that satisfies something deep inside, typically a bad habit. Usually tends to be either drugs, cigarettes or chinese food. At 3:30 AM I was feening Grand Chau Chow, because "the salty crispy shrimp is real finger-lickin but they also have the best sesame chicken!" |
To act wastefully or to kill time.
And now, it appears just about anything, with a big enough following, can be a word.
Fhqwghads for instance. If you haven't discovered Homestar Runner, you don't know what this is. If you don't know what this is...go no further until you go here.

And it went on to become a song!
Back to the subject, no more birdwalking.
I drifted around this site and learned definitively what a Greebo was, an Emo, and a Butterface.

They even listed The Cheat in there but I have yet to understand anything he says.
Anyways, I've determined that jive talk or 'urban' is funny if done in jest but otherwise makes me want to say:
Si obycajny mrokar !!!
A cartoon for no reason.

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